Project Name


A short description of the project.

View the Project on GitHub PennLINC/paper-template

Project Page Template

When you begin your project, use this template to fill out some critical information in the initial headers of your GitHub Pages site. Also see the Project Setup page.

Project Title

Brief and informative title; not always the same as the manuscript title

Brief Project Description

Try to make this no more than three highly accessible sentences.

Project Lead(s)

Anticipated First Author(s)

Faculty Lead(s)

Anticipated Last Author(s)

Analytic Replicator

Team member who replicates analyses, as stipulated in the Project Reproducibility Guide


Include people here as they make contributions (useful as our memory is imperfect and it is bad to forget contributions in long-running projects)

Project Start Date

Date that project began

Current Project Status

See the Stages of a Project page


E.g., PNC, HBN, GRMPY, etc

Github repo

Link to github repository for the project

Path to data on filesystem

Full path to project path on relevant computing cluster (i.e., CUBIC, PMACS, etc)

Slack Channel

For project communication

Trello board

For task tracking and keeping project meetings on track; provide link.

Google Drive Folder

A good place to aggregate and share articles, manuscript drafts, etc; provide link.

Zotero library

Shared library name for references

Current work products

I.e., citations to poster presentations, links to preprints, final publication citation

Code documentation

This section is the bulk of the project page, and can be broken up as best fits the project. Remember that this should be acessible prose that allows your replicator, reviewer, or interested reader to step through your code and understand how the code corresponds to the findings described in the paper. At a minimum, there should be clear documentation regarding sample selection (e.g., inclusion/exclusion), preprocessing (e.g., container version, data freeze), and hypothesis testing (usually in the form of an analytic notebook). See the Project Reproducibility Guide for more information.