Data and Figures for the QSIPrep manuscript

This repository contains the code and data used to process the reconstructions and calculate the qc scores for the QSIPrep paper. It contains notes on how and where each data was processed.

FWHM estimation

A key feature of pipelines is that they perform spatial transformations on the input data to correct geometric issues like distortion and motion. The application of these transformations can add an artificial smoothness to the output data. We want to minimize this artifact while still applying the corrections for the original artifacts.

We estimate the FWHM using AFNI’s 3dFHWMx. Although not the original intention of this program, 3dFWHMx estimates spatial smoothness by calculating the spatial autocorrelation function (ACF) at each voxel within a brain mask. Here we use these ACFs to estimate the FWHM of a 3D Gaussian kernel that best fits the data. These were estimated on the outputs from other pipelines and from QSIPrep outputs using the script qc_scripts/

QC data sourcing and processing

ABCD data

MMPS-processed data

Official ABCD data was downloaded from NDAR using the first major release of the ABCD preprocessed diffusion data. The data were downloaded to dopamine using their java-based web downloader.

The subjects that overlapped with our internal ABCD BIDS data were determined using qc_scripts/

Concatenating data and calculating qc

The downloaded data could have more than 1 preprocessed dwi NIfTI file and gradient set depending on the scanner used to collect the data. My best guess is that their pipeline writes out as many images as are supplied as input. Scanners that broke up the sampling scheme into multiple scans would result in multiple preprocessed outputs.

To address this, special steps were taken in qc_scripts/ and in qc_scripts/ to concatenate the images and their gradients if multiple were found.

QSIPrep processed data

The ABCD BIDS data were curated before uploading to flywheel, so there is no heuristic file for them. The QSIPrep preprocessing run was done with qc_scripts/ and the qc values were downloaded using qc_scripts/

The processed data was downloaded from FlyWheel using qc_scripts/ The completeness of the data set was checked with qc_scripts/

HCP (HCP-Lifespan) data

This data was collected by Dr. Geoff Aguirre at UPenn. His group uploaded it to FlyWheel and ran the HCP Diffusion pipeline v0.15 on it.

HCP Diffusion pipeline data and qc

The HCP-preprocessed data was downloaded to dopamine using the qc_scripts/ and qc_scripts/ scripts. The gradients were later needed to extract b=0 volumes for estimating FWHM.

The qc scores for the HCP-diffusion pipeline data were calculated using the qc_scripts/ script.

Processing HCP data with QSIPrep

BIDS curation and download from FlyWheel

This project needed to be BIDS curated before running QSIPrep. This was done using fwheudiconv initially with the heuristic file qc_scripts/ and later qc_scripts/ to deal with cancelled scans. The gear was launched using qc_scripts/

Once curated, the BIDS data was downloaded to dopamine using the FlyWheel CLI tool with fw export BIDS. It was downloaded to /storage/mcieslak/multishell_qc/tome.

Patching QSIPrep to match the HCP Diffusion pipeline outputs

The HCP acquisitions acquire the entire 199-direction sampling scheme twice: once in each phase encoding direction. The HCP pipelines run eddy on the 398 concatenated images and write out the 398 motion/eddy/distortion-corrected images. These images are ultimately separated and images sampling the same coordinate in q-space in the original scheme are averaged together.

QSIPrep 0.8.0 does not implement this averaging, so a patch was necessary to match the outputs from the HCP diffusion pipeline. Version 0.9.0beta1 was released with this functionality and the HCP data were run with this version. The full patch can be viewed here: The CI didn’t pass because of a CircleCI-related issue that is fixed in the subsequent commit.

Running QSIPrep with Docker

Instead of running on FlyWheel, the HCP data was processed locally on dopamine. This was done because there is a NVIDIA GPU on dopamine that sped up the running of eddy by more than a factor of 10. Running the CPU version on FlyWheel was taking up to 56 hours per subject, which was prohibitive. The results are located in /storage/mcieslak/multishell_qc/tome_output. The run of eddy was configured to both use the GPU and use --flm quadratic to match the HCP diffusion pipelines. The exact eddy params can be found in qc_scripts/eddy_params.json.

The qc data were collected using qc_scripts/ The script name is misleading because the data was all located on the local machine. All it really does is aggregate the qc files.

PNC (DTI 64) data

Roalf/Baum preprocessed data

The other-pipeline preprocessed data was stored a NFS drive on cfn accessible as /data/joy/BBL/studies/pnc/processedData/diffusion/pncDTI_2016_04/. The preprocessed data were gathered using qc_scripts/from_cfn/ QC values were calculated using qc_scripts/from_cfn/ The images and their gradients were copied to dopamine, where the FWHMs were calculated.

QSIPrep processed data

The PNC cohort had already been run through QSIPrep by Dr. Josiane Bourque, but she used upsampling, which would interfere with the qc comparison. Therefore, a random subset of 125 subjects were selected from Josiane’s cohort (which had previously passed qc) using numpy’s random.choice function. The QSIPrep gear was run via qc_scripts/ and the results were downloaded via qc_scripts/

The preprocessed images and gradients were downloaded to dopamine via qc_scripts/ and qc_scripts/ These were used as inputs for FWHM calculation.

GRMPY (MultiShell 113) data

Pines preprocessed data

The other-pipeline data for was also stored on cfn and was gathered to one place using qc_scripts/from_cfn/ These images and gradients were used to calculate the qc metric via qc_scripts/from_cfn/ The images and gradients were downloaded to dopamine where they were used to estimate FWHM. The original images were located at /data/jux/BBL/projects/multishell_diffusion/processedData/multishellPipelineFall2017.

QSIPrep processing

The GRMPY data on FlyWheel needed to be re-curated so fieldmaps would be correctly represented in BIDS. Once this was done QSIPrep was run on them using qc_scripts/ The qc values were downloaded using qc_scripts/, the images were downloaded using qc_scripts/ and the gradients were downloaded using qc_scripts/

Pitt DSI (DSI 113)

Raw data and QSIPrep

These images were processed by Laura Cabral and Will Foran at Pitt. The QC files were provided by them.


Raw data

BIDS data were copied from the BIC compute cluster at UCSB to the CUBIC cluster. They exist on CUBIC at /cbica/projects/GURLAB/projects/shoreline/crash_data.

SuperShell Q7 (DSI 789)

Both the raw and preprocessed data were downloaded from FlyWheel. The QC metrics were downloaded using qc_scripts/ The data was processed on FlyWheel by Panos Fotiadis.


The CS-DSI scans were collected as part of a pilot study. There are 20 subjects, each of which has 4 separate CS-DSI sequences. The data were BIDS curated on FlyWheel and the QSIPrep gear was run using qc_scripts/ This script is named this way because --combine-all-dwis was not used so each scan would be processed separately. The

HBN data

Legacy dMRIPrep data

These were provided by Ariel Rokem as a download from an S3 bucket. These were downloaded to /storage/mcieslak/multishell_qc/hbn_dmriprep on dopamine using the command aws s3 sync --exclude '*' --include '*dwi_eddy*' --acl public-read s3://legacy-hbn-preprocessing .. The QC scores were calculated using qc_scripts/

QSIPrep processing

Valerie Sydnor ran the QSIPrep processing on the FlyWheel version of these subjects. The script for downloading the qc scores is qc_scripts/ and the script for downloading the preprocssed dwi and gradients is qc_scripts/

Statistics and Figures

Combining data from the many studies

The csvs created from the earlier steps get combined for statistics and plots. The entrypoint for the csv data into the rest of the modeling is qc_scripts/gather_qc_values.rmd. This script reads the csv’s downloaded from FlyWheel and copied from dopamine. The output is qc_scripts/qc_metrics.csv.

Next, the subject IDs are anonymized using qc_scripts/anonymize_for_github.Rmd. This loads/merges the smoothness and qc csvs and anonymizes (via salt and hash) the subject names. The anonymized data is stored in

Linear mixed effects on QC and FWHM

The QC and FWHM data are used in qc_scripts/multivolsmoothness_v_qc_stats_lmer.Rmd andqc_scripts/multivolsmoothness_v_qc_stats_cartesian_lmer.Rmd. These produce the csv’s that are displayed as supplementary tables 2.1-2.4. They also produce the FWHM-corrected data that are plotted in Figures 2,3. Their outputs are