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Curation Process

Who is responsible for curating this data?

  • Kahini Mehta

GitHub Link to curation scripts/heuristics:

  1. Manually deleted duplicate NIFTIs on Flywheel
  2. Ran BIDS validate on all data
  3. Uploaded data to CUBIC
  4. Used CuBIDS to add metadata and removed PHI (patient sex, acquisition datetime & weight. incorrectly removed “name” from description.json)
  5. Began to run CuBIDS validations:
  6. BIDS Validation
    • Upon first run of the validator, found naming issues and description.json incorrectly formatted.

    Attempts to resolve: Manually added “Name” back to dataset_description.json

  • Upon second run of the validator, found naming issues and missing events TSV errors: However, naming errors were due to ASL files which would later be replaced. Events TSVs also ignored.

    Attempts to resolve: After looking at the summary sheet, worked to fix faulty IntendedFors and other errors regarding unused FieldMaps. Created a new heuristic and re-curated subjects on Flywheel Manually fixed IntendedFors on CUBIC.

  • Upon third run of the group, unused FieldMaps error persisted.

    Attempts to resolve: After looking at the summary sheet, worked to fix faulty IntendedFors manually on CUBIC.

  • Upon fourth run of the group, unused FieldMaps error persisted.

    Attempts to resolve: After looking at the summary sheet, worked to fix faulty IntendedFors manually on CUBIC.

  • Upon fifth run of the group, unused FieldMaps error persisted.

    Attempts to resolve: After looking at the summary sheet, worked to fix faulty IntendedFors manually on CUBIC.

  • Upon sixth run of the group, 1 unused FieldMap error persisted.

    Attempts to resolve: After looking at the summary sheet, worked to fix faulty IntendedFors manually on CUBIC.

  • Upon seventh run of the group, satisfied with the fieldmaps.

    Actions: After noticing that two participants had an extra session, deleted niftis and jsons for those sessions on CUBIC. Namely, for BBL 20120, session 10939 was not used. For BBL 95257, session 11191 was dropped. However, BBL 20120 does not have fracback, and BBL 95257 has all imscribe parameters set to 0 for the sessions chosen.

  • Performed eighth run of the group.

    Actions: Deleted ASL data (to add in the data from Azeez’s ASLPrep paper) and renamed variants via CuBIDS-apply.

  • Performed ninth run of the group. Some errors from CuBIDS due to “use datalad” flag; renaming was not successful.

    Actions: Ran CuBIDS-undo.

  • Peformed tenth. Some errors from the last CuBIDS-apply persisted.

    Actions: Ran git hard – reset.

  • Performed eleventh run of the group. Same results as validation 8; successfully reverted to original.

    Actions: Ran CuBIDS apply without the flag; renamed variants and deleted ASL data.

  • Performed twelfth run of the group. CuBIDS-apply worked well.

    Actions: Ran CuBIDS apply to remove variants with BOLD data under 3 minutes, and 1 DWI scan with an odd number of volumes.

  • Performed thirteenth run of the group. All well.

    Actions: Added ASL data in (copied over to GRMPY user from Azeez by Tinashe) the BIDS directory.

  • Performed [fourteenth]( run of the group.

    Actions: Removed ReconstructionMethod from .json after validate/group wouldn’t run on the data, since there was an invalid character in the field.

  • Performed fifteenth run of the group. Found RepetitionTimePreparation and some other fields missing as well as some RepetitionTimewas variants.Some niftis had a “too small” error, and some participants were missing niftis for ASL data despite jsons being present.

    Attempts to resolve: Removed participants’ perf data if they were missing the nifts.

  • Performed sixteenth run of the group.

    Actions: Ran add-nifti-info to see if it would fix some of the errors.

  • Performed seventeenth run of the group. Saw some m0 scans with 0 numvolums, the missing metadata issue for some fields still persisted despite running add-nifti-info.

    Actions: Removed m0 scans in question

  • Performed eighteenth run of the group. Realised the wrong ASL data had been added in.

    Actions: Readded correct, complete ASL (copied in from Azeez by Tinashe)and restarted process of validation for ASL.

  • Performed nineteenth run of the group. No errors of note. Some variants to consider in Summary.csv.

    Actions: RepetitionTimePreparation manually changed from 0 to 4 for ASL data.

  • Performed twentieth run of the group.

    Actions: Changed RTPrep values to match RT values.

  • Performed twenty first run of the group. Produced too many perfusion variants with not that much of a difference between their RepetitionTimes.

    Actions: Had to change RT tolerance for variants with RT differences of a small magnitude.

  • Performed twenty second run of the group, only for re-grouping purposes, since tolderance values were changed.

    Actions: Ran CuBIDS-apply to rename variants and also purged ASL scans with numvol less than 60 (3 scans).

  • Performed twenty third run of the group. There were some m0 unused errors due to the variants being renamed and m0 IntendedFors not being changed by CuBIDS.

    Actions: Changed IntendedFors manually.

  • Performed twenty fourth run of the group. CuBIDS was updated for ASL data. I had to undo all changes.

    Actions: Did CuBIDS_undo, datalad save, and undo again twice so I could apply the new version of CuBIDS to the ASL data, which would also look at changing m0 IntendedFors.

  • Performed twenty fifth run of the group. Realized we could not rename ASL variants due to CuBIDS/BIDS issues, as the m0 scan names had to match the ASL scans, but both would not necessarily have their variant renamings corresponding/matched.

    Actions: Revereted back to how things were at Validation22. Proceeded to run CuBIDS-apply, not renaming any ASL variants, but simply purging ASL scans with numvol less than 60 (3 scans).

  • Performed twenty sixth run of the group.

Satisfied with results!

Notes about ASLPrep:

  1. Found sub-88773 and sub-120562 missing aslcontext.tsv files after running ASLPrep - added these in manually. Also changed these subjects to have an even, rather than an odd, number of volumes.

  2. Sub-20699, unlike the other ASL data, was oblique - couldn’t be used, but its perf directory remains. It also has 7.5 in direction z of its m0 scan.

  3. Further, sub-20809 had a VoxelDimSize3 of 7.5 for ASL- this was an error where it should have been 3.75, but dicom2niix was working oddly on some subjects such hat it populated the z direction twice. Sub-20809 also had 22.5 in direction z for their m0 scan. Eventually decided to exclude this participant, not run them through ASLPrep and deleted their perf directory.