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Data Narrative for DAY2 - Margaret’s Curation

  • Flow diagram that describes the lifecycle of this dataset curation and preprocessing may be viewed here

data processing flow

  • Overview:
    • subjects without usable fmaps (no SDC run in fMRIPrep): ‘sub-12235’ ‘sub-13585’ ‘sub-14610’ ‘sub-14848’ ‘sub-14858’ ‘sub-14876’ ‘sub-15546’ ‘sub-16181’ ‘sub-16234’ ‘sub-17726’ *scans noted here
    • subjects/scans that failed fMRIPrep: sub-13373_ses-day2_task-face_run-01_bold.nii.gz, sub-14858_ses-day2_task-card_run-02_bold.nii.gz, sub-15709_ses-day2_task-rest_bold.nii.gz note: gzip error, can be rerun with later version
    • subjects/scans with poor QC: sub-15433 T1w (euler=782); sub-17378 card1, card2, face1, face2 (normCrossCorr <0.8); sub-15276 face2 (normCrossCorr <0.8); sub-15433 card 2 (normCrossCorr <0.8); note: paths to XCP-generated .html reports for each subject and concatenated qc values provided below

Plan for the Data

  • Why does PennLINC need this data?
  • For which project(s) is it intended? Please link to project pages below:
  • Goal is to curate and preprocess data

Data Acquisition

  • Data acquired by Dan Wolf
  • Describe the data:
    • number of subjects = 125
    • types of images = bold (2 runs task-face, 2 runs task-card, rest), T1w, T2w, DWI note: run1=task version A and run2 = task version B according to json SeriesDescription, see task-match.ipynb
      • T1w = 125 subj
      • T2w = 3 subj
      • card_run-01 = 124 subj
      • card_run-02 = 124 subj
      • face_run-01 = 123 subj
      • face_run-02 = 124 subj
      • rest = 114 subj
      • fmap = 124 subj
      • dwi = 3 subj

Download and Storage

  • Data was stored as nifti files in /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/original_data/bidsdatasets/day2.
  • Data was copied by Margaret to sub-project folder /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/original_data on 9/14/2021.
  • JSON’s within origial_data were updated using cubids-add-nifti-info.

  • Listing metadata fields using cubids-print-metadata-fields resulted:
    • Acknowledgements
    • AcquisitionMatrixPE
    • AcquisitionNumber
    • Authors
    • BIDSVersion
    • BandwidthPerPixelPhaseEncode
    • BaseResolution
    • CoilString
    • ConversionSoftware
    • ConversionSoftwareVersion
    • DatasetDOI
    • DeidentificationMethod
    • DerivedVendorReportedEchoSpacing
    • DeviceSerialNumber
    • Dim1Size
    • Dim2Size
    • Dim3Size
    • DwellTime
    • EchoNumber
    • EchoTime
    • EchoTime1
    • EchoTime2
    • EchoTrainLength
    • EffectiveEchoSpacing
    • FlipAngle
    • Funding
    • HowToAcknowledge
    • ImageOrientationPatientDICOM
    • ImageType
    • ImagingFrequency
    • InPlanePhaseEncodingDirectionDICOM
    • IntendedFor
    • InversionTime
    • License
    • MRAcquisitionType
    • MagneticFieldStrength
    • Manufacturer
    • ManufacturersModelName
    • Modality
    • Name
    • NumVolumes
    • Obliquity
    • ParallelReductionFactorInPlane
    • PartialFourier
    • PercentPhaseFOV
    • PhaseEncodingDirection
    • PhaseEncodingSteps
    • PhaseResolution
    • PixelBandwidth
    • ProcedureStepDescription
    • ProtocolName
    • PulseSequenceDetails
    • ReceiveCoilName
    • ReconMatrixPE
    • RefLinesPE
    • ReferencesAndLinks
    • RepetitionTime
    • SAR
    • ScanOptions
    • ScanningSequence
    • SequenceName
    • SequenceVariant
    • SeriesDescription
    • SeriesInstanceUID
    • SeriesNumber
    • ShimSetting
    • SliceThickness
    • SliceTiming
    • SoftwareVersions
    • SpacingBetweenSlices
    • TaskName
    • TotalReadoutTime
    • TxRefAmp
    • VoxelSizeDim1
    • VoxelSizeDim2
    • VoxelSizeDim3
    • template

    Running cubids-remove-metadata-fields resulted no PHI fields for removal.

  • Data checked into DataLad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS (dataset) via datalad save -m "add initial data" -d ./curation/BIDS action summary: add (ok: 2448) save (ok: 1)

Curation Process

  • Data curation by Margaret Gardner for NGG rotation on the CUBIC project user wolfsatterthwaitereward
  • Link to final CuBIDS csvs: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/iteration6

BIDS Validation:

  • Iteration 1 (Ran cubids-validate and cubids-group simultanously as per The WAY, outputs saved to sandbox/validator_outputs/iteration1): EVENTS_TSV_MISSING ( Task scans should have a corresponding events.tsv file. If this is a resting state scan you can ignore this warning or rename the task to include the word “rest”. ) : 495 counts INCONSISTENT_SUBJECTS ( Not all subjects contain the same files. Each subject should contain the same number of files with the same naming unless some files are known to be missing. ) : 806 counts INCONSISTENT_PARAMETERS ( Not all subjects/sessions/runs have the same scanning parameters. ) : 24 subjects README_FILE_MISSING ( The recommended file /README is missing. See Section 03 (Modality agnostic files) of the BIDS specification. ) : 1 subjects NO_AUTHORS ( The Authors field of dataset_description.json should contain an array of fields - with one author per field. This was triggered because there are no authors, which will make DOI registration from dataset metadata impossible. ) : 1 subjects

  • Iteration 1.2 (Reran cubids-validate with --ignore_nifti_headers and --ignore_subject_consistency, no modifications to datafiles): EVENTS_TSV_MISSING ( Task scans should have a corresponding events.tsv file. If this is a resting state scan you can ignore this warning or rename the task to include the word “rest”. ) : 495 scans README_FILE_MISSING ( The recommended file /README is missing. See Section 03 (Modality agnostic files) of the BIDS specification. ) : 1 count NO_AUTHORS ( The Authors field of dataset_description.json should contain an array of fields - with one author per field. This was triggered because there are no authors, which will make DOI registration from dataset metadata impossible. ) : 1 count

    *counts using validator_err_counts.ipynb

  • BIDS curation approved by Ted Satterthwaite and Tinashe Tapera on 9/21/21, last validator output of original data available at /gpfs/fs001/cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/validator_outputs/d2_r2_validation.csv. Data backed up to datalad.

BIDS Optimization:

*NOTE: any files removed from curation/BIDS dataset noted in /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/curation_* scripts, which are written by cubids-purge. Any files renamed (Acquisition Variants) noted in /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/apply* scripts, which are written by cubids-apply.

  • BIDs groups from Iteration 1.2 reviewed by Ted and Tinashe
    • reviewed subject files for duplicates, no subj with more than one T1w or each type of fmap (phase1, phase2, magnitude1, magnitude2)
      • 118 subj have full set of phase1&2, magnitude1&2 files
      • 5 subj have only phasediff files (mislabeled phase1) but no magnitude files
      • 1 subj has only phase1 & phase2 files but no magnitude files
    • identified 3 subjects who have T2 data (KeyParamGroup=datatype-anat_suffix-T2w__1) in addition to T1 that compromise AcqGroup 3
    • Plan to add A/B designation task entity for files to disambiguate task version (cardA,cardB, faceA, or faceB) performed during each run. Data currently contained in SeriesDescription, see task-match.ipynb *counts using validator_err_counts.ipynb *
  • Iteration 2
    • made sure all files in curation/BIDS checked into datalad
    • T2 files to be removed written to code/sandbox/T2w.txt using validator_err_counts.ipynb, ran cubids-purge: cubids-purge --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/T2w.txt
    • fmap files to be removed written to Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/validator_outputs/iteration1.2/fmap_to_rm.txt using validator_err_counts.ipynb, ran cubids-purge: cubids-purge --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/validator_outputs/iteration1.2/fmap_to_rm.txt
    • Reran cubids-validator iter2 with --ignore_nifti_headers and --ignore_subject_consistency flags; outputs identical to Iteration 1.2 above (reviewed using validator_parser.ipynb).
    • Reran cubids-group - still resulted in 23 acquisition groups, including addition of 4 new KeyParamGroups (reviewed using group_compare.ipynb): acquisition-VARIANTNoFmap_datatype-func_run-2_suffix-bold_task-card acquisition-VARIANTNoFmap_datatype-func_run-2_suffix-bold_task-face acquisition-VARIANTNoFmap_datatype-func_run-1_suffix-bold_task-face acquisition-VARIANTObliquityNoFmap_datatype-func_suffix-bold_task-rest acquisition-VARIANTNoFmap_datatype-func_suffix-bold_task-rest
    • Groupings approved by Ted and Tinashe, ran cubids-apply without modifications to iter2_summary or iter2_files: cubids-apply --use-datalad BIDS code/iterations/iteration2/iter2_summary.csv code/iterations/iteration2/iter2_files.csv code/iterations/apply1
    • cubids-apply created (renamed to but unsuccessful in renaming files; internet disconnected and wasn’t able to copy error from jupyter terminal, reran command and reproduced error: raise CommandError( CommandError: 'bash code/iterations/' failed with exitcode 127 under /gpfs/fs001/cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS'
    • decided to edit iter2_summary.csv and rerun per Tinashe’s request to rename lengthy T1w keygroups, then will try to solve cubids-apply error
      • renamed:
        • KeyParamGroup datatype-anat_suffix-T1w__3 to acquisition-VARIANTAllwithParallelReductionFactorInPlane_datatype-anat_suffix-T1w
        • KeyParamGroup datatype-anat_suffix-T1w__4 to acquisition-VARIANTAll_datatype-anat_suffix-T1w
          Ran cubids-apply with above modifications to iter2_summary.csv: cubids-apply --use-datalad BIDS code/iterations/iteration2/iter2_summary.csv code/iterations/iteration2/iter2_files.csv code/iterations/apply2
  • Iteration 3
    • per Sydney Covitz’s recommendations, reran cubids-group using full paths: cubids-group --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/iteration3/iter3
    • resulted in 23 acquisition groups, including addition of 4 new KeyParamGroups (reviewed using group_compare.ipynb): acquisition-VARIANTNumVolumesNoFmap_datatype-func_run-2_suffix-bold_task-face acquisition-VARIANTNumVolumesNoFmap_datatype-func_run-1_suffix-bold_task-face acquisition-VARIANTNumVolumesNoFmap_datatype-func_suffix-bold_task-rest acquisition-VARIANTNumVolumesNoFmap_datatype-func_suffix-bold_task-rest
    • reviewed with Sydney, discovered that prior cubids-apply attempts had succcessfully renamed IntendedFors field in fmap json’s but exited before being able to rename the filenames (due to the fact that the files.csv had the /gpfs/fs001/ string in it because cubids-group was run using relative paths), resulting in “NoFmap” additions above. Per Sydney’s recommendation running cubids-undo to un-rename IntendedFors; reran cubids-group and finally cubids-apply using abs. paths.
      • ran git clean -f -d to remove untracked changes in .ipynb_checkpoints
      • ran cubids-undo, used intendedfor_rename.ipynb to verify once VARIANT renames had been cleared. Datalad executes undone tracked below:
        • HEAD is now at 69e473c Renamed IntendedFors
        • HEAD is now at 1ccd650 Renamed IntendedFors
        • HEAD is now at c8466c7 Renamed IntendedFors
        • HEAD is now at abc67c1 Renamed IntendedFors
        • HEAD is now at 26b23ee Renamed IntendedFors
        • HEAD is now at edfb983 updating .ipynb
  • Iteration 4
    • successfully removed all VARIANT intendedfors, rerunning: cubids-group --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/iteration4/iter4
    • reviewed groupings against iter2 using group_compare.ipynb, no changes. Renamed the lengthy T1w keygroups per Tinashe’s request:
      • datatype-anat_suffix-T1w__3 : acquisition-VARIANTAllwithParallelReductionFactorInPlane_datatype-anat_suffix-T1w
      • datatype-anat_suffix-T1w__4 : acquisition-VARIANTAll_datatype-anat_suffix-T1w
    • ran: cubids-apply --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/iteration4/iter4_summary.csv /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/iteration4/iter4_files.csv /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/apply2
    • cubids-apply successful
    • ran cubids-validate, no new errors or warnings: EVENTS_TSV_MISSING : 495 scans README_FILE_MISSING : 1 count NO_AUTHORS : 1 count
  • Iteration 5
    • 3 exemplar subjects (sub-15546, sub-16181, & sub-12235) failed running fmriprep due to abberant image shape (64, 64, 43) in fmap images. Each subject compromised a unique Acquisition group. Deleting all fmap images (listed using Dim3_err_fmaps.ipynb): cubids-purge --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/fmap_to_rm2.txt
    • ran cubids-group, new groups ID’d for above subj (NoFMap) that will be merged into existing NoFMap groups with cubids-apply
    • ran cubids-apply without changes with prefix apply3, successful
    • ran cubids-validate, parsed using validator_parser.ipynb, no new errors or warnings: EVENTS_TSV_MISSING : 495 scans README_FILE_MISSING : 1 count NO_AUTHORS : 1 count
  • Iteration 6
    • 3 subjects (sub-13373, sub-14858, sub-15709) failed fmriprep due to CRC error, deleting nifti files identified in log outputs: cubids-purge --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/CRC_err_to_rm.txt *NOTE: these 3 scans can be rerun in the future with a different version of fmriprep that doesn’t have this gzip error!
    • ran cubids-group, no new variants (no RenameKeyGroups for non-fmap KeyGroups) - Tinashe reviewed, no need for cubids-apply/validate
  • Timing Files
    • created event timing files (events.tsv) based on K23_fmri_paradigm.xls provided by Dan Wolf
      • used stick files to create two .csv’s listing all events for run-1 (task A) and run-2 (task B) respectively (cardA and faceA have the same timings/outcome order, just the stimuli are different; cardB and faceB have the same timings/outcomes)
      • converted to .tsv’s using csv_to_tsv.ipynb
    • copied .tsvs into Day2/curation/BIDS, reran cubids-validate; took several iterations of renaming events.tsv’s so they will be correctly applied/pass validator, succeded on iteration 5 (/cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/validator_outputs/tsv5_validation.csv)

Preprocessing Pipelines

  • fMRIPrep (version 20.2.3)
    • Margaret Gardner is responsible for running preprocessing pipelines/audits on CUBIC
    • Exemplar Testing:
      • ran cubids-copy-exemplars --use-datalad /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/testing/exemplars_dir /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/iterations/apply2_AcqGrouping.csv
      • Path to exemplar dataset (annexed to datalad): /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/testing/exemplars_dir
      • Path to fmriprep container (.sif copied from dropbox, annexed to datalad): /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/testing/exemplars_test/fmriprep-container
      • ran (tail -n 1 code/ w/out modifications to or but no output branch created and didn’t save job number; reran, job writing to analysis/logs but seems unable to create new datalad branch (pushingitremote... line 32: datalad: command not found); ** edited to correct conda environment (from base to margaret_reward) and run job in /cbica/comp_space; failed b/c had comments in-line on ** reviewed with Tinashe and edited; reran job 1424461 (“fpsub-12583”) has been submitted - completed successfully ** ran bash code/, submitted jobs 1679260 through 1679282 & merged to merge_ds (with help from Sydney & Matt - issues with merge failing since test sub-12583 had already been merged, followed their instruction to delete both sub-12583 branches since .zip files already present in merge_ds)
      • error in sub-15546, sub-16181, & sub-12235 (fmap images with Dim3Size=43, unable to construct fmaps - removing all fmap images for these subjects, see Iteration 5 above) *Note: flag --use-syn-sdc not included in fmriprep run call, so no susceptibility distortion correction was run for subjects without fieldmaps
      • sub-12583 (test sub) doesn’t have branch in output_ria but is fine in audit
        • Path to exemplar outputs: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/testing/fmriprep/output_ria testing dir deleted to save space on CUBIC on 12/2/21, once production completed
    • Production:
      • ran, submitted jobs 1831777 through 1831903
      • only 84 files in logfile, 123 branches created under output_ria
        • running and fmriprep-audit to identify failed subj
        • edited old version on github) to pull tinashe’s new edits and edited line 12 ‘concat_ds/csvs’ to ‘csvs’
      • reviewed FMRIPREP_AUDIT.csv, 4 subj failed:
        • sub-13373 - nipype.workflow ERROR: Node bold_to_std_transform.a0 failed to run on host 2119fmn002… File “indexed_gzip/indexed_gzip.pyx”, line 635, in indexed_gzip.indexed_gzip.CrcError: CRC/size validation failed - the GZIP data might be corrupt
          • used gzip -t -v to validate CRC size for sub-13373_ses-day2_task-face_run-01_bold.nii.gz, OK
        • sub-14858 - same as above, err on sub-14858_ses-day2_task-card_acq-VARIANTNoFmap_run-02_bold.nii.gz
        • sub-15709 - same as above, err on sub-15709_ses-day2_task-rest_bold.nii.gz
        • sub-17113 - no error message, log o and e incomplete - to rerun
        • removing scans with CRC error, see Iteration 6 above - pushed BIDS updates to input_ria, rerunning qsub calls for sub-13373 (job 1974456), sub-14858 (job 1974459), sub-15709 (job 1974460), and sub-17113 (job 1974462); ran successfully based on logs, deleted merge_ds and reran Regot and reran fmriprep-audit
      • all 125 subjecs successfully processed
      • Path to production inputs: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/BIDS
      • Path to fmriprep run command: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/fmriprep/analysis/code/
      • Path to production outputs: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/fmriprep/output_ria
      • Path to fmriprep production audit: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/fmriprep-audit/FMRIPREP_AUDIT.csv
      • Path to freesurfer production audit: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/freesurfer-audit ** plotted Euler numbers generated by freesurfer_audit and plotted distribution. Sub-15433 recommended to be excluded from subsequent analyses (Euler=782). Reviewed sub-11305 (238) and sub-11399 (224) with Ted but ok’d
  • xcp-abcd
    • Production:
      • edited, to update python environment, update “xcp-abcd-0-0-4” to “xcp-abcd-0-0-8” (matching container name and Tinashe’s scripts for other Reward projects)
      • ran test subject job 203853 (“xcpsub-17838”), successful!
      • submitted remaining jobs, successful!
      • submitted for xcp-audit
      • wget and running to clone/unzip xcp outputs to xcp-derivatives; something didn’t work, seemed to overwrite
        • removed and wgot again, but had typo in path to xcp dir, rerunning with corrected path: qsub -cwd -N "d2_unzip" /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/xcp - job 213392 (“d2_unzip”) has been submitted; job didn’t seem to run, no outputs; see e and o output files. Rerunning from terminal (not qsub-ed), renamed dir wolf_satterthwaite_reward to derivatives-unzipped
        • concatenated *space-MNI152NLin6Asym_desc-qc_res-2_bold.csv outputs with xcp_qc_concat.ipynb, plotted and saved outputs to github dir qc_plots
      • Path to production inputs: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/fmriprep/merge_ds
      • Path to xcp run command: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/xcp/analysis/code/
      • Path to production outputs: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/xcp/output_ria
      • Path to xcp production audit: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/xcp-audit/XCP_AUDIT.csv
      • Path to xcp derivatives: /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/production/derivatives-unzipped/DERIVATIVES/XCP
      • Path to xcp derivatives (concatenated): /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/curation/code/sandbox/qc_d2.csv

Post Processing

  • Who is using the data/for which projects are people in the lab using this data?
    • Link to project page(s) here
  • For each post-processing analysis that has been run on this data, fill out the following
    • Who performed the analysis?
    • Where it was performed (CUBIC, PMACS, somewhere else)?
    • GitHub Link(s) to result(s)
    • Did you use pennlinckit?
  • FEAT task analysis
    • fun side-quest for personal growth run by Margaret Gardner on CUBIC
    • wrote .txt timing files using
    • Dan provided original feat analysis files for reference, saved under fsl_sandbox/dan_orig
      • “the events folder has all the stickfiles, lots of different variations. the feat directory has a feat directory for this control participant’s cardA analysis: 11242_03360; the nifti images is that persons 4D bold timeseries used for that feat analysis.”
    • running on raw data from 3 subj randomly selected from Acquisition Group 1 (sub-16291, sub-15732, & sub-15761) in /cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/fsl_sandbox to familiarize with fsl workflow before adapting to accomodate fmriprep outputs; scripts run from git repo directory fsl
      • ran BET on sub-15732 with default settings, pial surface not fully removed - reran with f=0.7 but removed too much, sticking with default f=0.5
      • running FEAT preprocessing on sub-15732 card run-01: deleting 10 vol, set smoothing to 6.0
        • error in Registration: Could not find a supported file with prefix “/gpfs/fs001/cbica/projects/wolf_satterthwaite_reward/Margaret/Day2/fsl_sandbox/BIDS/card_run-01.feat/example_func.nii.gz”
        • talked to Greer and discovered error was in bet outputting .hdr/.imgs instead of .nii.gz - need to define FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI_GZ. Removed all fsl outputs/reverting to raw BIDs to run again
      • ran BET on sub-15732 with default settings (-f 0.5), extraction looks good
      • ran FEAT preprocessing on sub-15732 card run-01: deleting 10 vol, set smoothing to 6.0; successful,
      • ran Stats on sub-15732 card run-1 with 4 EVs (cue, anticipation, win, lose) and 3 contrasts: (0, 0, 1, 0); (0, 0, 0, 1); (0, 0, 1, -1)
      • running full analyses on sub-15732 card run-1 with 4 EVs (cue, anticipation, win, lose) and 3 contrasts: (0, 0, 1, 0); (0, 0, 0, 1); (0, 0, 1, -1); successful, removed old feat directories (preprocessing/stats only)
      • duplicating/editing design.fsf to github, create seperate design.fsf’s for each task/run combo (starting with card1, potentially iterate across card/task in the future since they have identical EVs)
      • testing design_card1.fsf on sub-16291, ran successfully
      • created design files for each task/run and updated
      • ran note: outputs and QCs not reviewed since this was for an exercise - would review and/or rerun if intending to use outputs in the future
        • removed sub-16291/card1+.feat dir
      • running 2nd level fixed-effects for card task (averaged across run 1 and 2 for each subj), output to fsl_sandbox/card_2ndLevel.gfeat
      • running 3rd level FLAME 1 model for card cope 3 (win-lose), default thresholds (cluster z=3.1, p=0.05); inputs ``fsl_sandbox/card_2ndLevel.gfeat/cope3.feat/stats/cope?.nii.gz; output to fsl_sandbox/card_3rdLevel_win-lose.gfeat`
        • also ran uncorrected analysis to fsl_sandbox/card_3rdLevel_win-lose_uncorr.gfeat just for fun

To Do

  • backup to PMACS
  • rename task entity (1 and 2 vs A and B)
  • script group level task analyses in FEAT
  • bootstrap FEAT analyses for datalad
  • adapt feat script to accept fmriprep outputs