Using Containers for Research
Table of contents
Containers on high performance computing clusters
Many useful software tools have difficult-to-compile dependencies. A great way to solve this problem is to bundle the software and its dependencies into a container, which can be run directly. This is typically done using docker
. Since we are using a computing cluster and don’t have the privileges necessary to run docker
, we can download an image and convert it into a singularity image.
Creating a singularity image
Docker images are available on dockerhub. You can choose any of these images and convert them to a singularity image by specifying their location on dockerhub. For example, there is a docker image of DSI Studio that we might want to run on the cluster. This program is very difficult to compile, so we can point singularity at this docker url and build a singularity image.
$ singularity \
> build \
> dsistudio_latest.sif \
> docker://dsistudio/dsistudio:latest
Running a singularity container
The previous section produces a file called dsistudio_latest.sif
. We can do lots of things with this image. We can enter the image and access a shell:
$ /share/apps/singularity/2.5.1/bin/singularity shell dsistudio_latest.sif
Singularity dsistudio_latest.sif:~> cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="8 (jessie)"
The line starting with Singularity
is a bash shell inside the image. We can prove this by printing the contents of /etc/os-release
, which shows that this shell thinks it’s in Debian. If we run a similar command outside of the container’s shell, we can see we’re back on Centos:
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.9 (Final)
By specifying shell
as the first argument to singularity, we drop into the interactive shell. In order to do anything useful, we need to access data on the host machine’s file system.
Linking file systems
Since we want to run the containerized software on data on our filesystem, we need a way to point the singularity image to this filesystem. This can be somewhat tricky because certain directories are automatically mounted in the image and the image has trouble following symlinks to destinations outside its filesystem. Here we use the antsCT BIDS app as the singularity image and tell it to execute “ls” inside of itself. We see it’s placed us in our home directory and has access to all these files.
$ APPS_DIR=/data/joy/BBL/applications/bids_apps
$ ANTSCT=${APPS_DIR}/antsct_bids.sif
$ singularity exec $ANTSCT ls
Desktop conv dicoms matlab data label_names.csv projects
bio dicominfo_ses-01.tsv tmp
$ singularity exec $ANTSCT pwd
This is cool, but we don’t keep any data in our home directories. Unfortunately, /data
does not get mounted by default:
$ singularity exec $ANTSCT ls /data
ls: cannot access '/data': No such file or directory
So we have to make a directory in our home directories where /data
will be mounted.
$ mkdir /home/<username>/data
$ # This won't work
$ singularity exec -B /data $ANTSCT ls /data
WARNING: Skipping user bind, non existent bind point (directory) in container: '/data'
ls: cannot access '/data': No such file or directory
$ # This will work
$ singularity exec -B /data:/home/<username>/data $ANTSCT ls data
ADNI_longitudinal XNAT grossman jet jux picsl-build tesla-home
HCP_data archive jag joy picsl tesla-data
Very important note
Remember that containerized software can’t see outside of its container. As a result, all i/o within the container needs to be relative to its bound directories. If your software requires a text file listing paths to files as input, the path to this file needs to be the container version of the path and all the paths in the file need to point to the files as they would be seen by the container.
One very nice thing is that /tmp is automatically mounted in the container. This means that if you are running the container using SGE, the $TMPDIR directory is directly accessible from a container.
Running a BIDS app
BIDS apps are containerized versions of pipelines that run on data that have been named using the BIDS convention. By containerizing an entire pipeline, you can guarantee that the exact same software and computing environment are used every time the pipeline is run. There are also lots of publicly available BIDS apps that implement popular pipelines. Here we’ll run the ANTs cortical thickness BIDS app on one of the grmpy subjects. First, we need to have everything in BIDS format. These files exist in /data/jux/BBL/studies/grmpy/BIDS
Running the actual pipeline is then as simple as
$ SNGL_BIDS=/home/<username>/data/jux/BBL/studies/grmpy/BIDS
$ singularity run -B /data:/home/<username>/data $ANTSCT \
> singularity_BIDS singularity_BIDS/derivatives/ANTsCT participant \
> --participant_label 080557
Singularity on PMACS
PMACS requires a couple extra steps to run singularity. First, only one host can run singularity
and connect to the internet. You have to ssh into this host from sciget
like so:
$ ssh singularity01
$ module load singularity
Now you can build a singularity image from any image on DockerHub. Be sure to save your .sif
file in your project directory (ideally in a subdirectory named images
), as the home directories on singularity01
do not sync with the rest of PMACS.
$ cd /project/my_project/images
$ singularity build fmriprep-20.0.5.sif dockerhub://poldracklab/fmriprep:20.0.5
In the event that you do not have access to your project directory on singularity01, you can pull the image in your home directory. After the image is in your home directory, move the image over to your project directory while you are on sciget, but have exited from singularity01.
$ ssh singularity01
$ cd
$ singularity pull docker://antsx/ants
$ exit
$ mv ~/ants_latest.sif /project/my_project/images
Note for images that use templateflow
Some of the nipreps
-based pipelines use the templateflow
library to download templates. This is a problem on PMACS because the compute hosts do not connect to the internet. This means you’ll have to manually download the templateflow data and link this directory into the container at run time.
Here is fmriprep’s documentation on this problem with more details here.
Ultimately, you’ll need to do something like this (templates listed are the ones that are typically needed to run fMRIPrep):
$ export TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/path/to/keep/templateflow
$ python -m pip install -U templateflow # Install the client
$ python
>>> from templateflow import api as tfapi
>>> tfapi.TF_S3_ROOT = ''
>>> tfapi.get('MNI152NLin6Asym', atlas=None, resolution=[1, 2], desc=None, extension=['.nii', '.nii.gz'])
>>> tfapi.get('MNI152NLin6Asym', atlas=None, resolution=[1, 2], desc='brain', extension=['.nii', '.nii.gz'])
>>> tfapi.get('MNI152NLin2009cAsym', atlas=None, extension=['.nii', '.nii.gz'])
>>> tfapi.get('OASIS30ANTs', extension=['.nii', '.nii.gz'])
>>> tfapi.get('fsaverage', density='164k', desc='std', suffix='sphere')
>>> tfapi.get('fsaverage', density='164k', desc='vaavg', suffix='midthickness')
>>> tfapi.get('fsLR', density='32k')
>>> tfapi.get('MNI152NLin6Asym', resolution=2, atlas='HCP', suffix='dseg')
And run the singularity image binding the appropriate folder:
$ singularity run -B ${TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME}:/templateflow \
--cleanenv fmriprep.sif <fmriprep arguments>
Here is an example of a call to singularity on PMACS:
$ singularity run --writable-tmpfs --cleanenv -B /project/ExtraLong/data/templateflow:/templateflow -B /project/ExtraLong/data/license.txt:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt -B /project/ExtraLong/data/ /project/ExtraLong/images/fmriprep_20.0.5.sif /project/ExtraLong/data/bids_directory/sub-X/ses-PNC1 /project/ExtraLong/data/freesurferCrossSectional/fmriprep/sub-X/ses-PNC1 participant --skip_bids_validation --anat-only --fs-license-file /opt/freesurfer/license.txt --output-spaces MNI152NLin2009cAsym --skull-strip-template OASIS30ANTs --nthreads 7