Project Documentation with GitHub Pages

Part of the project lifespan for any large project (e.g., something that results in a paper) with PennLINC is creating documentation. We recommend creating a website associated with your project’s GitHub repository, using GitHub Pages.

The PennLINC/paper-template repository can be used as a template for your project’s GitHub repository.

The branch that controls the repository’s documentation is gh-pages.

At minimum, you should update the files and _config.yml, filling in everything with details from your project. You can add more pages, subfolders, etc. if you’d like to customize the documentation more. Valerie Sydnor’s 2020 paper is a good example to follow.

Once you have modified these files and pushed your repository’s gh-pages branch, your project’s documentation should build on GitHub Pages and should be available at (replace YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_HERE with your GitHub repo name)!


Just remember not to mix up your main and gh-pages branches! You don’t want to add code to gh-pages or unnecessary documentation to main.

Customizing GitHub Pages

If you ever want to see what’s going on with your GitHub Pages branch on GitHub, you can simply go to to look at your main and gh-pages branch.


Now, if you want a nice theme, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings in your GitHub repository.
  2. Go all the way down to the section GitHub Pages.
  3. Click Change theme and choose a theme.

Table of Contents Example

Note that if you’d like to include a table of contents in your project page, doing so is simple! Just include the lines 1. TOC {:toc} at the level you’d like your table to be. Every title and subtitle after those lines should be reflected in your table of contents. You can now jump to each section by clicking on it’s respective title in the table!

Here is an example:

  1. Project Documentation with GitHub Pages
    1. Customizing GitHub Pages
    2. Themes
      1. Table of Contents Example
      2. Title 1
        1. Subtitle 1
      3. Title 2
        1. Subtitle 2
          1. Sub-sub-title 2

Title 1


Subtitle 1


Title 2


Subtitle 2


Sub-sub-title 2
